Sponsorship, Funding and Student Finance


If your employer or other sponsoring organisation will be funding some or all of your tuition fees, please have a sponsorship form filled in by your sponsoring organisation and return it to your iheed Education Advisor and to: employersponsor@iheed.org.  

University of Warwick - Sponsorship Form 

Royal College of Physicians of Ireland - Sponsorship Form 

London South Bank University - Sponsorship Form 

Student Finance England – Master’s Loan (eligible UK-based applicants only) 

All University of Warwick Master’s programmes are eligible for a Master’s Loan from Student Finance England.

A Master’s Loan from Student Finance England (SFE) is a personal loan arrangement between the student and SFE. Funds are released directly to the student and are released after the student is enrolled onto the programme that they have selected on their SFE application. Students, therefore, must select the correct Master’s programme on their SFE application – failure to select the correct programme on your application may delay or prevent release of funds.

You must be eligible for Home Fees to qualify for Student Finance. Click here to check if you qualify for Home Fees. Please see the following conditions before applying for SFE. 

1. You must be pursuing a Master’s programme in order to qualify for student finance.  

2. You must complete the SFE application process before commencement of your studies.  

3. You must be residing in the UK for 3 or more years before commencement of the programme. 

4. You must provide a copy of your passport and must ensure that the name provided on the passport is used across all application forms with iheed, University of Warwick and Student Finance England.  

You must provide iheed with the following documents to be correctly enrolled for Student Finance.   

  1. Copy of Passport  

  2. Proof of residency within the UK 3+ years prior to the programme commencing (Driver's license with home address, bank statements, utility bills which must be dated within the last 3 months) 

  3. You must provide iheed with your SFE Loan Summary Letter upon acceptance of your application by SFE. 

The easiest way to apply for SF is online – you can apply here. You will find your correct programme under the ‘University of Warwick’ and ‘Part-time’ programmes.  

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The following programmes are available for a Master’s Loan – please make sure to select the correct programme (including the month and year of commencement) 

  1. Diabetes in Primary Care (Full MSc only)

  2. MSc in Medical Education for Healthcare Professional

  3. MPH Public Health and Health Promotion

  4. Masters in Healthcare Leadership 

  5. MSc in Clinical Research 

  6. MSc Neuroscience and Psychology of Mental Health

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