iheed Staff End of Summer Get together

29 Aug 2023

A handful of times each year, the iheed team goes above and beyond to escape the confines of our office and immerse ourselves in quality bonding experiences. For our end-of-summer gathering, we opted for an extraordinary display of athleticism—a spectacle so riveting, it could rival the World Athletics 2023 Championships!

We had the egg and spoon race, the sac race and other strenuous activities to display our physical prowess!!!!

Afterwards, we indulged in a sumptuous spread of pizza and coffee, replenishing the calories burned in our athletic endeavours. Fully refuelled, we embarked on a scenic hike up Baby Sugarloaf Mountain.

It’s important to chat to colleagues outside your own function and these excursions give us a great opportunity to do just that. The weather even behaved for the occasion!!

29 Aug 2023